Family Planning Support
After you have had your ultrasound and consultation appointment at Choices Women’s Center, you can reach out to these abortion funds for financial assistance.
FIRST CALL: NAF (National Abortion Federation) 1-800-772-9100 you may have to leave a message and wait for a call back. NAF provides case management services and limited financial assistance to help patients afford the cost of care and travel related expenses.
THEN CALL OR TEXT: TASC (Tucson Abortion Support Collective) 520-235-6934 leave TASC a message or text them and they will get back to you asap. TASC is a Tucson-based collective providing emotional, material, and logistical support to people seeking abortion care in Arizona. TASC can also help with things like emotional support, transportation, and aftercare supplies.
IF YOU STILL NEED MORE FUNDS, CALL: Abortion Fund of Arizona 602-327-5166 leave a message, they return calls every other day. Abortion Fund of Arizona offsets the cost of abortion care by helping pay some of the costs incurred when having an abortion. You can contact them via email at helpline@abortionfundofaz.org or by phone at (602)327-5166.